I wasn't sure what to have for dinner while watching this movie and then it hit me. I wouldn't have dinner at all, I'd have breakfast! So bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and pineapple juice it is.
Breakfast at Tiffany's was made in 1961 and won 2 Oscars (both for the music). Now, this movie could probably be classed as a chick flick, but I must admit I liked it quite a lot. To balance things out in my review then, I will mention a few blokey things every now and then.
Audrey Hepburn is a classic beauty and her role in this as Holly Golightly is probably her most famous role. Holly is a likeable character if not a little aloof. From what I have read she is a high class call-girl in the movie, but the hints weren't strong enough for me to pick up on. It is quite obvious though that Paul Varjak (played by George Peppard - who I only knew from the 80's TV show The A-Team, a very blokey show) gets paid to be somewhat of a gigolo. There are some quirky funny moments and I will admit I did get a little emotional at the end. Sure, not as emotional as Roger Federer after he lost the Australian Open final (tennis - a somewhat blokey sport), but a little emotional none the less.
The storyline revolves around Holly and Paul (or Fred, as Holly likes to call him) who live in the same block of apartments. Paul is a struggling writer who has a sugar Mumma to keep his head up, so to speak. Holly is a, well, we never actually know, but she is always dressed stunningly elegant, even when she is in her casual clothes. Maybe it is her hair. Yes I think that is why she always looks so beautiful. She gets caught up with a Mafia boss (very blokey) though this part of the story is really just a sideline, but contributes to the ending. I have heard the ending in the movie is completely different to the ending in the book, written by Truman Capote. I enjoyed the ending in the movie and thought that it was fitting.
The only negative I have about this film was the Asian landlord (who I found out later is played by Mickey Rooney). It is obviously an attempt at being funny, and maybe it was funny back in the days when a pie to the face was funny, but it just seemed way too forced for me.
The music in the movie fits it like Audrey Hepburns black velvet glove - perfectly. That is why composer Henry Mancini picked up 2 oscars for it. In fact, the song Moon River is probably the most famous quote from the movie. Excuse me, I just have to duck off to tune the engine in my monster truck.... there that's better, I was getting a bit sappy and sentimental there for a while.
So to summarise - I really enjoyed this movie. The character interactions, storyline and pace of the movie kept me interested. The length of the movie wasn't too long or too short, and heaven forbid I even loved the cat.
I think I'll watch a gangster movie next week, just to get my blokey quotient up.
To the ratings -
Breakfast at Tiffany's : 7 diamonds (from Tiffany's of course) and 1 stray cat
Bacon, Eggs & Hashbrown : 6 rashers of bacon, 1 egg
Chocolate cake made in a mug with ice cream and chocolate flavouring, and muggacino : 8 scoops of ice cream
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